Answer: The CCP has studied The Church of Almighty God for more than 20 years, do you mean that is the result of such a study? Then tell me, who founded Christianity and Catholicism? Could it be Paul or Peter who was the founder? Who founded Judaism? Could it be Moses? Isn't it absurd?
Answer: The majority of the religious world rely on the words of Paul that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” in determining that everything in the Bible is the word of God, and that as long as one holds on to the Bible they will be taken up into the kingdom of heaven. Especially in the last days, most believers in the Lord still believe in this. But is this viewpoint in conformity with the truth and facts? Did the Lord Jesus ever say “All scripture is given by inspiration of God”? Did the Holy Spirit ever testify to this? They did not. This was said by Paul. Many believers use these words from Paul as the basis of their belief that every word in the Bible is inspired by God and is the word of God. Is this not a huge mistake?