Answer: Why is it that God must be incarnated twice to do the work of saving mankind? We should first be clear: With regard to the salvation of mankind, God’s two incarnations have a deep and profound meaning. Because the work of salvation, no matter if we’re talking about the redemption or the judgment and purification of the last days, can not be performed by man. It requires God to be incarnated and perform the work Himself.
Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus. Wise virgins are in the Church of Almighty God, and enjoying the feast with the Lord.
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Showing posts with label accept God's work of judgment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label accept God's work of judgment. Show all posts
Monday, December 30, 2019
Question 5: In the Age of Grace God was incarnated to become the sin offering and take on the burden of man’s sin. This all accords to reason. In the Age of Grace God was incarnated to become the sin offering and take on the burden of man’s sin. This all accords to reason. The Lord Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and became the Son of man to redeem mankind in His sinless body. Only in so doing was Satan humiliated. In the last days, God has been incarnated as the Son of man again to do the work of judgment. We have seen this to be fact. What I want to ask is this. God’s two incarnations are slightly different, the first was in Judea, and the second is in China. Now, why is it that God has to be incarnated twice to do the work of saving mankind? What is the true significance of God’s two incarnations?
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Question 7: You testify that the Lord Jesus has already arrived and He is Almighty God. and that He has expressed many truths and is doing the work of judgment of the last days. Is that true? I think this is impossible. We’ve always maintained that the words and work of God are recorded in the Bible, and that the words and work of God do not exist outside of the Bible. We believe that the Bible already contains the fullness of God’s salvation, the Bible represents God. As long as one adheres to the Bible, he will enter into the kingdom of heaven. The Bible already contains the fullness of God’s salvation, the Bible represents God. Our belief in the Lord is based on the Bible, straying from the Bible constitutes a denial and betrayal of the Lord! Is there anything wrong with this understanding?
Answer: You said that all of God’s words and work are contained within the Bible, that the Bible contains all of God’s salvation, and that God’s words and work will not appear elsewhere outside the Bible. The whole religious world also believes this. It seems no one can truly ascertain the validity of this view. In the past, we treated all issues according to the Bible. Now let me ask: Does this view of the religious world accord with the Bible? Is it in accord with God’s word?
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Question: The Lord Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice” (Jhn 10:27). The Lord returns to utter words to call to His sheep. The key thing in our waiting for the coming of the Lord is to seek to hear the voice of the Lord. But now, our greatest difficulty is that we don’t know how we should listen for the Lord’s voice. We also are not able to distinguish between what is God’s voice, and what is man’s voice. Please fellowship with us about how to be certain once and for all of the Lord’s voice.
Answer: How do we hear the voice of God? The loftiness of our qualities or the length of our experience do not count in this. Believing in the Lord Jesus, what do we feel when we hear many of His words? Though we have no experience and knowledge of the Lord’s words, the moment we hear them we feel they are the truth, that they have power and authority. How does this feeling arise? Is it generated by virtue of our experience?
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Question 2: We have long heard that the Church of Almighty God has already testified to the return of the Lord Jesus. And He is Almighty God! He expresses truths and performs His judgment work of the last days, but the majority of people in religious circles all believe that the Lord will return by descending with the clouds. This is because the Lord Jesus clearly said: “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory” (Mat 24:30). The Book of Revelation also prophesied: “Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him” (Rev 1:7). I also maintain the belief that the Lord will return by descending with the clouds to directly take us up into the kingdom of heaven. We refuse to accept the Lord Jesus who does not descend with the clouds. You say that the Lord's return is returning to the flesh and descending in secret. But nobody knows about this. However, the Lord openly descending with the clouds is absolute! That's why we are waiting for the Lord to descend with the clouds and appear openly to take us directly up into the kingdom of heaven. Is our understanding correct or not?
Answer: When it comes to waiting for the Lord to descend with the clouds, we must not rely on man’s notions and imaginations! The Pharisees committed a huge mistake in waiting for the arrival of the Messiah. They precisely used man’s notions and imaginations to measure the Lord Jesus who had already arrived. In the end, they nailed the Lord Jesus to the cross. Is this not a fact? Is waiting for the Lord’s arrival as simple as we think? If the Lord returns and works among mankind like the way the Lord Jesus in the flesh had done, and we don’t recognize Him, then would we also judge and condemn Him as the Pharisees had done and crucify Him once again? Is this a possibility?
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Question 3: It was prophesied in the Bible: “You men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven” (Act 1:11). After the Lord Jesus resurrected, it was His spiritual body that rose up into the sky. When the Lord returns, it should be His spiritual body that descends on a cloud. However, you testify that God has become flesh—the Son of man—again to do judgment work in the last days. This is obviously inconsistent with the Bible. The pastors and elders often say that any testimony about the Lord’s coming as incarnate is false. So I think that it is impossible for the Lord to return as incarnate. I cannot accept your testimony. I will just wait for the Lord to descend on a cloud and bring us to the kingdom of heaven. This cannot be wrong for sure!
Answer: You say it is impossible that the Lord will return as incarnate, is that correct? It is explicitly written in the Bible that the Lord will return as incarnate. Do you mean that you couldn’t find it?
Monday, December 16, 2019
Question 4: If we accept Almighty God’s work in the last days, how should we then seek to receive the way of everlasting life?
Answer: Almighty God, in the last days, expresses the entirety of the truth that can thoroughly purify and save mankind, these truths are expressed according to our corrupt substance and what we lack, which means they are the reality of truth that we humans should have. God wants us to receive these truths as our everlasting life. This truth is the way of everlasting life bestowed to us by God. So, how are we to seek and gain the way of eternal life?
Friday, December 13, 2019
Question 1: Almighty God’s word says, “Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life.” I remembered what the Lord Jesus once said, “But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (Jhn 4:14). We already know the Lord Jesus is the source of the living water of life, and the way of everlasting life. Could it be that Almighty God and the Lord Jesus are of the same source? Are Their work and words both of the Holy Spirit? Are Their work done by the same God?
Answer: In the work of God’s two incarnate fleshes, They testified that They are the truth, the way, the life, and the way of everlasting life. They express many truths, and do a stage of practical work to prove that Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Question 1: I don’t understand, if Eastern Lightning is the true way, then why would it be strongly opposed by the CCP government? Why would religious leaders also furiously condemn it? It’s not like pastors and elders have not been persecuted by the CCP government. But when it comes to Eastern Lightning, how come the pastors and elders who serve God can have the same view and attitude as the CCP government? Just what is the reason behind this?
Answer: The Bible says: “… the whole world lies in wickedness” (1Jn 5:19). The Lord Jesus also said, this is an evil generation (Luk 11: 29). Then just what is the extent of this world’s darkness and evil?
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Question 5: I believe that all scripture is inspired by God! The words of Paul cannot be wrong! Since you differentiate the words of God and the words of man in the Bible so clearly, then how does one distinguish which are God’s words and which are man’s words?
Answer: Anyone who has read the Bible, as long as they have normal thinking, can see clearly which words in the Bible are God’s words and which are man’s words. It’s just that most people have been misled by Paul’s statement that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God.”
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Question 1: Religious pastors and elders are all people who serve God in the church. It is reasonable to say that, when it comes to the return of the Lord, they should be watching and waiting, and treating it with caution. But why do they not only not seek or investigate the work of Almighty God of the last days, and instead make up rumors, judge and condemn Almighty God, and deceive and restrict believers from investigating the true way?
Answer: This question is actually not strange. Back when the Lord Jesus came to work, He already once faced the furious opposition, resistance and condemnation of the religious world’s chief priests, scribes and Pharisees, and was crucified by them in the end. This is a historical fact! Then please think, everybody, why was the Lord Jesus crucified by the religious world?
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Question: Please share detailed fellowship on what is obeying and following God, and what is obeying and following man. Understanding this aspect of the truth is critical for us.
Answer: Concerning this aspect of the truth, let us first read a passage of Almighty God’s words: “Of principal importance in following God is that everything should be according to the words of God today: Whether you are pursuing entry into life or the fulfillment of God’s will, everything should be centered around the words of God today. If what you commune and pursue are not centered around the words of God today, then you are a stranger to the words of God, and totally bereft of the work of the Holy Spirit. … Those who can follow the present work of the Holy Spirit, and who are able to follow the footsteps of God, such that they follow God wherever He leads them—these are people who are blessed by God. Those who do not follow the present work of the Holy Spirit have not entered into the work of God’s words, and no matter how much they work, or how great their suffering, or how much they run about, none of it means anything to God, and He will not commend them. … ‘Following the work of the Holy Spirit’ means understanding the will of God today, being able to act in accordance with the present requirements of God, being able to obey and follow the God of today, and entering in accordance with the newest utterances of God. Only this is someone who follows the work of the Holy Spirit and is in the stream of the Holy Spirit. Such people are not only capable of receiving God’s praise and seeing God, but can also know God’s disposition from the latest work of God, and can know man’s conceptions and disobedience, and man’s nature and substance, from His latest work; furthermore, they are able to gradually achieve changes in their disposition during their service. Only people such as this are those who are able to gain God, and who have genuinely found the true way” (“Know the Newest Work of God and Follow the Footsteps of God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Question 5: The work in the Age of Law was performed by Moses as used by God. Why doesn’t God use man to perform His judgment work of the last days? And why must He become flesh to do it Himself?
Answer: Why must God’s judgment work of the last days be performed by God incarnate? Why can it not be done by people used by God? This question is indeed very important, very key, and directly related to the major issue of whether man can be brought before God’s throne, achieve salvation, and enter the kingdom of heaven. Almighty God has said a lot on this question. Let’s read a few passages of Almighty God’s words on this.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Question 1: We believe that the Lord Jesus returns mainly to rapture His believers. He can’t possibly do the work of judgment in the last days to make overcomers. God raised up Brother Lin and used him. He has led us to be renewed, transformed, conformed, and glorified to become overcomers. When the Lord returns, our Local Church will be the first to be raptured. You testified that only God is capable of making overcomers. I want to ask: If we pursue according to the way led by Brother Lin, can’t we be made overcomers?
Answer: You said that Brother Lin’s path would make you into overcomers, that you only need to practice according to Brother Lin’s path to become overcomers, and that the Lord Jesus returns mainly to rapture believers into the kingdom of heaven and can’t possibly do the work of judgment in the last days to make overcomers. Do you have any biblical basis for this? Are there any prophecies where the Lord Jesus testified to this? Are there any prophecies where the Lord Jesus testified to this?
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Question 2: Now some incidents of false Christs deceiving people have happened in the religious communities of various countries. There are a lot of people in South Korea who don’t have discernment, causing them to be deceived into following false Christs. This fulfills the Lord Jesus’ prophecy: “Then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” (Mat 24:23–24). I personally believe that any preaching that says the Lord has returned is definitely false. We shouldn’t believe it in case we are being tricked!
Answer: Ever since Almighty God started expressing truths to perform His judgment work of the last days, mankind has already entered the Age of Kingdom and the Age of Kingdom has started. If our belief in God remains stuck in the Age of Grace, then we have been left behind and cast aside by God’s work.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Question 2: Why is it that God has to become flesh to do His work of judgment in the last days? In the Age of Law, God used Moses to do His work, so why can’t God use man to do His work of judgment in the last days?
Answer: Why it is that God must become flesh to do the work of judgment in the last days is a question with which many who thirst for truth and search for God’s appearance are chiefly concerned. It is also a question that relates to whether we can be raptured into the kingdom of heaven. So, it is very important to understand this aspect of the truth. Why is it that God has to incarnate Himself to do His work of judgment in the last days instead of using man to do His work? This is determined by the nature of the work of judgment. Because the work of judgment is God’s expression of the truth and expression of His righteous disposition to conquer, purify, and save mankind. Let’s read a passage from Almighty God’s word.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Question 10: Many brothers and sisters who believe in the Lord still aren’t clear and they believe this: The Lord Jesus redeemed us from our sins and He already sees us as free from sin. As long as we suffer and pay a price to spread the gospel of the Lord, and we behave well and stand witness well, when the Lord comes we should be able to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven. We will follow the Lord until the end, we do not resist Him or deny His name, so why do we still need to undergo God’s work of judgment in the last days?
Answer: Many believers in the Lord believe the same thing that you do: ‘As long as I work hard and bear the cross for the Lord, exhibit some good behaviors and bear witness well, I will be qualified to wait for the Lord’s return and be raptured into the kingdom of heaven.’ Humans see this as perfectly reasonable, but is that what God’s will is? Do His words bear that out?
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Question 6: You say that the Lord has come to do the work of judgment and purification in the last days, but the Lord Jesus said: “And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (Jhn 16:8). The Lord Jesus’ words and work have already achieved having people recriminate themselves for their sins, for righteousness, and for judgment. By confessing our sins to the Lord and repenting, we have already undergone His judgment, so what really is the difference between what you say is the work of judgment in the last days and the work of the Lord Jesus?
Answer: The Lord Jesus said, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send him to you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (Jhn 16:7-8).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Question 5: You testified that God becomes flesh again as the Son of man and does His work of judgment beginning at the house of God. This completely conforms with the Bible’s prophecy, and I can accept it. But I don’t understand whether this is the same as the great white throne judgment in the Book of Revelation. What we think is that the great white throne judgment is targeted at the non-believers that belong to the devil Satan. When the Lord comes, the believers will be taken up into heaven, and then He will send disaster to destroy the non-believers. That’s the judgment before the great white throne. You testify to the start of God’s judgment in the last days, but we haven’t seen God bring disaster to destroy the non-believers. Then how could it be the great white throne judgment? What is God’s judgment in the last days exactly? Please communicate this to us more clearly.
Answer: All those who truly understand the Bible know that the great white throne judgment prophesied in the Book of Revelation is a vision of God’s judgment work in the last days.
Friday, October 4, 2019
Question 6: You say that if people want to be freed from sin and be cleansed, they must accept Almighty God’s work of judgment in the last days. Well, how does God judge and cleanse people in the last days? Throughout all these years that I’ve believed in the Lord, I thought that it’d be great if there came a time when people no longer sinned. At that time, I thought, life would no longer be painful!
Answer: As for how Almighty God judges and cleanses people in the last days, let’s read some more of Almighty God’s words! Almighty God says, “When God becomes flesh this time, His work is to express His disposition, primarily through chastisement and judgment. Using this as the foundation, He brings more truth to man, shows more ways of practice, and so achieves His objective of conquering man and saving man from his corrupt disposition. This is what lies behind the work of God in the Age of Kingdom” (Preface to The Word Appears in the Flesh).
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Clip (3) - Can We Be Raptured Into the Kingdom of Heaven After Accepting Redemption From Lord Jesus?
Based on Lord Jesus' words on the cross "It is finished," pastors and elders of religious circles habitually conclude that God's work of salvation of mankind was thus finished. Upon the return of the Lord, believers would be received into the kingdom of heaven, with no need for any work of purifying and saving people. Does the viewpoint of the pastors and elders accord with the words of God? To what was Lord Jesus ultimately referring, when He said "It is finished" on the cross? Why would God want to express truth during the last days, doing the work of judging and purifying people?
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