With leaders or workers who have the reality of truth, wherever they are, the people near them will receive benefits first of all. What does receiving benefits mean? First it means being supplied, being watered, so that the problems of the people at hand are solved first of all. First of all there will be improvement in being involved in the lives of the people at hand. The evil people, the false leaders, the antichrist beside them will first be handled. Only in this way will the leaders and workers be leaders and workers with the reality of truth. As leaders or workers, if all the chosen people of God around them and their co-workers have many problems that are not solved, and these people’s lives can’t receive any support, there is no entry into their lives, and there is no improvement in their lives, then this is enough to show that these leaders or workers do not possess the reality of truth, are not up to the mark, and are not acceptable. It doesn’t matter whether it is the church, or a group, if among those who carry out their ordinary duties there is a person who pursues the truth, although his or her understanding of the truth is not necessarily very deep, yet when problems arise for the brothers and sisters at hand he or she can help resolve them, and through fellowship whatever difficulties will all be resolved too.