Saturday, December 7, 2019

Question 4: Even if Paul wasn’t perfect, the Lord wouldn’t remember his past transgressions. Paul worked and suffered for the Lord for many years; he paid a higher price than anyone else. His suffering must have earned the Lord’s praise. Brother Paul is still our exemplar! He is an example to all Christians. If Paul did not obtain God’s praise, then who can?

pursue the truth, understand God's will

Answer: You dare say that Paul’s suffering definitely obtained God’s praise? Do you know why he suffered, what his intentions were? I think he did it to atone for his sins; he had no choice. He did it to obtain the crown and a reward. How could the Lord accept his suffering? The Lord is righteous; the Lord is always watching people and their hearts. People cannot see through Paul, but God can. Should people not believe that God is righteous? Why do they extol Paul, adore Paul, and exalt Paul like this? Is that not resisting the Lord Jesus? Why do people defend Paul? What problem does this illustrate? Are they standing on the Lord Jesus’ side and speaking up for Him? Do those kinds of people really have faith in the Lord?

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Question 2: You say Paul’s words are not the truth. Then why are his words in the Bible? Paul’s words are written in the Bible. Therefore, they were inspired by God; they represent God’s words. We should pursue them!

revealing the truth, distinguishing Go's words and man's words,

Answer: Although Paul’s words are written in the Bible, that does not mean they’re God’s words. This is because the Bible was compiled by man; it was not compiled by Jehovah God, not compiled by the Lord Jesus, and it was definitely not compiled by the Holy Spirit. Can something compiled by men be free of errors?

Monday, December 2, 2019

Question 13: Through reading the Bible, we all know that the Jewish Pharisees condemned and resisted the Lord Jesus. When the Lord Jesus did His work, the Pharisees knew His words had authority and power. Nevertheless, they still fanatically resisted and condemned the Lord Jesus. They crucified Him on the cross. We do not understand and what was their nature and substance?

Revealing the Pharisees, Revealing the Truth,

Answer: Everyone that believes in the Lord knows the Pharisees resisted the Lord Jesus, but what was the root, the true essence of their resistance? You can say that in the 2,000 year history of religion, no one has figured out the answer to this question. Though the Lord Jesus’ cursing of the Pharisees was written in the New Testament, no one has been able to discern the Pharisees’ essence.

Full Gospel Movie "Faith in God 2 – After the Church Falls" | True Stories of Christians in China

Full Gospel Movie "Faith in God 2 – After the Church Falls" | True Stories of Christians in China Since the Chinese C...