Monday, January 6, 2020

Question 3: Since we started to study the work of Almighty God in the last days, the religious pastors and elders have been condemning Almighty God more frantically, doing all they could to block us from studying the true way. It is no different from how the Jewish Pharisees resisted and condemned the Lord Jesus! I have been pondering, why did God twice appear in the flesh to work and twice encounter the collective condemnation and persecution of the religious community and atheist government? In the last days, Almighty God appears and works merely to express the truth by speaking and working for the cleansing and salvation of mankind. Why are the religious community and the Chinese Communist government so rancorous against Christ that they even mobilize the media corp and armed police forces to condemn, blaspheme, round up and exterminate Christ? When King Herod heard that the King of Jews, that is, the Lord Jesus was born, he ordered for the slaughter of all male infants under the age of two in Bethlehem. He would rather execute thousands of innocent babies than spare Christ. When God came in the flesh for the salvation of mankind, why didn’t the religious community and government welcome His arrival but frantically condemned and blasphemed God’s appearance and work? Why did they deplete the resources of the whole country to crucify Christ on the cross at any cost? Why is mankind so evil and so rancorously against God?

religious persecution, Revealing the Pharisees,

Answer: This question is so important and only very few in the whole of mankind can understand it thoroughly! Why mankind defies God so wildly has become headline news, and the historical tragedy of the incarnate Christ being nailed to the cross is being played out again; this is a fact. 
The Lord Jesus said, “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved” (Jhn 3:19-20). “If the world hate you, you know that it hated me before it hated you” (Jhn 15:18). “This is an evil generation” (Luk 11:29). And in 1 John 5:19 it says “the whole world lies in wickedness.” Mankind’s doings and the attitude they take in their approach to Christ are enough to prove that the entire world is completely under Satan’s control and in its power. Nowadays, most of us can see clearly that most pastors and elders of the world of religion are people who defy, condemn and deny Christ, and that the world of religion long ago came under the control of these hypocritical Pharisees and antichrists. Therefore, when God incarnate appears and works, the pastors and elders in the world of religion are the first to rise up and condemn and defy Him—this is inevitable. The CCP government is a satanic regime that most hates the truth and defies God, and it has always been arresting and persecuting Christians. When Christ of the last days came to appear and do His work in China, the CCP government unscrupulously and savagely tried to hunt, round up and exterminate Christ, causing ripples throughout the entire world. This fact completely fulfilled the prophecy of the Lord Jesus: “For as the lightning, that lightens out of the one part under heaven, shines to the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation” (Luk 17:24-25). God has been incarnated twice amongst man to speak and work, to redeem mankind and save mankind, both times suffering the united condemnation, blasphemy, hunting, and suppression carried out by religious leaders and the ruling party; this fact is enough to prove that this world is so dark and evil and that mankind has been corrupted so deeply! Mankind has been corrupted and degenerated to a stage where they have become sick of the truth, they hate the truth, they hold evil in high esteem and they set themselves against God, becoming of a kind with Satan and becoming Satan’s progeny, simply unable to tolerate the existence of God. The manifestation and work of God incarnate must therefore inevitably suffer persecution and abandonment. As to why mankind defies God, Almighty God has revealed this aspect of the truth, and we will be clear about this once we have read several passages of the words of Almighty God.
Almighty God says: “Mankind has developed through tens of thousands of years of history to get where they are today. However, the mankind of My original creation has long ago sunk into degeneracy. They are already not what I intended, and thus people, the way I see them, are already undeserving of the name mankind. They are rather the scum of mankind, looted by Satan, and the rotten walking corpses which Satan lives in and is clothed with. People do not in the least believe in My existence, nor do they welcome My arrival” (“What It Means to Be a Real Man” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
The source of man’s opposition and rebelliousness against God is his corruption by Satan. Because he has been corrupted by Satan, man’s conscience has grown numb, he is immoral, his thoughts are degenerate, and he has a backward mental outlook. Before he was corrupted by Satan, man naturally followed God and obeyed His words. He was naturally of sound sense and conscience, and of normal humanity. After being corrupted by Satan, his original sense, conscience, and humanity grew dull and were impaired by Satan. Thus, he has lost his obedience and love toward God. Man’s sense has become aberrant, his disposition has become the same as that of an animal, and his rebelliousness toward God is ever more frequent and grievous. Yet man still neither knows nor recognizes this, and merely blindly opposes and rebels” (“To Have an Unchanged Disposition Is to Be in Enmity to God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
Mankind is none other than My enemy. Mankind is the evil one that resists and disobeys Me. Mankind is none other than the progeny of the evil one accursed by Me. Mankind is none other than the descendant of the archangel that betrayed Me. Mankind is none other than the heritage of the devil that was already detested and rejected by Me and came at odds with Me” (“What It Means to Be a Real Man” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
Satan corrupts people through the education and influence of the national governments and the famous and great. Their nonsense has become man’s life and nature. ‘Everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost’ is a well-known satanic saying that has been instilled into everyone and become the human life. There are some other words of life philosophy that are also like this. Satan educates people through each nation’s fine traditional culture and causes humanity to fall into and be engulfed in an expansive abyss of destruction, and in the end people are destroyed by God because they serve Satan and resist God” (“How to Know Man’s Nature” in Records of Christ’s Talks).
Born into such a filthy land, man has been severely blighted by society, he has been influenced by feudal ethics, and he has been taught at ‘institutes of higher learning.’ The backward thinking, corrupt morality, mean view on life, despicable philosophy, utterly worthless existence, and depraved lifestyle and customs— all of these things have severely intruded upon man’s heart, and severely undermined and attacked his conscience. As a result, man is ever more distant from God, and ever more opposed to Him” (“To Have an Unchanged Disposition Is to Be in Enmity to God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
From when man first had social sciences, the mind of man was occupied by science and knowledge. Then science and knowledge became tools for the ruling of mankind, and there was no longer sufficient room for man to worship God, and no more favorable conditions for the worship of God. The position of God sunk ever lower in the heart of man. A world in man’s heart with no place for God is dark, empty without hope. And so arose many social scientists, historians, and politicians to express theories of social science, the theory of human evolution, and other theories that contravene the truth that God created man, to fill the heart and mind of man. And in this way, those who believe that God created everything become ever fewer, and those who believe in the theory of evolution become ever greater in number. More and more people treat records of the work of God and His words during the Old Testament age as myths and legends. In their hearts, people become indifferent to the dignity and greatness of God, to the tenet that God exists and holds dominion over all things. The survival of mankind and the fate of countries and nations are no longer important to them. Man lives in a hollow world only concerned with eating, drinking, and the pursuit of pleasure” (“God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
None actively seek out the footsteps or appearance of God, and none wish to exist in the care and keeping of God. Rather, they are willing to rely on the corrosion of Satan and the evil one in order to adapt to this world and to the rules of life the wicked mankind follows. At this point, the heart and spirit of man are sacrificed to Satan and become its sustenance. Moreover, the human heart and spirit become a place in which Satan can reside and a fitting playground for it. In this way, man unknowingly loses his understanding of the principles of being human, and of the worth and purpose of human existence. The laws from God and the covenant between God and man gradually fade away in man’s heart and man no longer seeks or pays heed to God. As time passes, man no longer understands why God created man, nor does he understand the words that come from the mouth of God or realize all that is from God. Man begins to resist the laws and decrees from God; the heart and spirit of man become deadened. … God loses the man of His original creation, and man loses the root of his beginning. This is the sorrow of this mankind” (“God Is the Source of Man’s Life” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
For thousands of years this has been the land of filth, it is unbearably dirty, misery abounds, ghosts roam its every corner, tricking and deceiving, making groundless accusations, being ruthless and vicious, trampling this ghost town and leaving it littered with dead bodies; the stench of decay covers the land and pervades the air, and it is heavily guarded. Who can see the world beyond the skies? The devil tightly trusses all of man’s body, it puts out both his eyes, and seals his lips firmly shut. The king of devils has rampaged for several thousand years, right up until today, when it still keeps a close watch on the ghost town, as if it were an impenetrable palace of demons; this pack of watchdogs, meanwhile, stare with glaring eyes, deeply fearful that God will catch them unawares and wipe them all out, leaving them without a place of peace and happiness. How could the people of a ghost town such as this have ever seen God? Have they ever enjoyed the dearness and loveliness of God? What appreciation have they of the matters of the human world? Who of them can understand God’s eager will? Small wonder, then, that God incarnate remains completely hidden: In a dark society such as this, where the demons are merciless and inhumane, how could the king of devils, who kills people in the blink of an eye, tolerate the existence of a God who is lovely, kind, and also holy? How could it applaud and cheer the arrival of God? These lackeys! They repay kindness with hate, they have long since disdained God, they abuse God, they are savage in the extreme, they have not the slightest regard for God, they plunder and pillage, they have lost all conscience, and have not a trace of kindness, and they tempt the innocent into senselessness. Forefathers of the ancient? Beloved leaders? They all oppose God! Their meddling has left all beneath heaven in a state of darkness and chaos! Religious freedom? The legitimate rights and interests of citizens? They are all tricks for covering up sin! … Why put up such an impenetrable obstacle to the work of God? Why employ various tricks to deceive God’s folk? Where is the true freedom and legitimate rights and interests? Where is the fairness? Where is the comfort? Where is the warmth? Why use deceitful schemes to trick God’s people? Why use force to suppress the coming of God? Why not allow God to freely roam upon the earth that He created? Why hound God until He has nowhere to rest His head? Where is the warmth among men? Where is the welcome among people? Why cause such desperate yearning in God? Why make God call out again and again? Why force God to worry for His beloved Son? Why does this dark society and its sorry guard dogs not allow God to freely come and go among the world which He created?” “God Is the Source of Man’s Life” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
Almighty God has spoken extensively on the sources and current situation of mankind’s corruption. When we read the words of Almighty God, we gain some understanding on issues such as why there is so much darkness and evil in the world, why mankind so fanatically resists God, and what is the truth and substance of mankind’s corruption by Satan, right? The evil and darkness of these times serves to prove that mankind’s corruption at the hands of Satan is very thorough, so how many people among mankind are there who thirst for God’s appearance and welcome His coming? How many are there who love to hear God’s word and accept the truth? How many are there who study and seek God’s work of the last days? The majority of people not only ignore these things; on the contrary, they listen to the rumors and lies of the satanic CCP government and they work together with Satan’s forces to resist and condemn Almighty God. These are facts that everyone clearly understands. Even though there are many people with faith in God, how many are there who can accept the truth, seek out the truth, and truly submit to God? If we recall the time when the Lord Jesus appeared to do His work, all of the Jewish people followed the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees to resist and condemn the Lord Jesus. In the last days as Almighty God has appeared to do His work, the majority of pastors and elders in the religious world are now resisting and condemning Almighty God; they are even going so far as sealing off their churches and not allowing believers to study the true way. This is sufficient to show that this world at this time is so full of darkness and evil. Mankind are bored of the truth, they hate the truth, and they have forsaken God and chosen to stand against Him. The root of this darkness and evil of the world is Satan’s control of mankind and that the entire world is under the domain of the evil one. Amen! In the last several thousand years, Satan has used atheism, the theory of evolution, and materialism as well as other harmful teachings and fallacies to deceive and corrupt mankind. This has caused mankind to worship and put blind faith in various lies and fallacies of the kings of devils and “great men,” who have said things like: “There is no God or Savior”; “Man can fight against heaven and earth and conquer nature”; “One’s destiny is in his own hand”; “Everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost”; “Those with brains rule over those with brawn”; “Money makes the world go round”; “As a small mind makes no gentleman, a real man is not without venom,” and so on. Mankind has been deceived and corrupted by these evil teachings and fallacies, which has made them arrogant, deceitful, selfish, greedy and wicked; there is no man who speaks of humanity and morality, no man who speaks of conscience and reason, and no man who can speak of being honest. In the search for fame and status, men fight each other like dogs and they scheme and cheat one another; they even kill one another. For different interests, nations fight nations in unceasing conflict. Is this not the result of Satan’s corruption of mankind? These facts show that mankind has been thoroughly corrupted by Satan and that mankind has become the ilk of Satan, the descendants of Satan. Mankind has become an evil force that stands in enmity against God. For this reason, when God twice became flesh to speak and do His work among men, corrupt mankind resisted, condemned, and abandoned God on both occasions, even going so far as to crucify Him. These are some of the facts behind why mankind resists God.
As everyone knows, the Chinese Communist Party has ruled over China for more than sixty years, madly suppressing and persecuting religious beliefs all the while, designating Christianity and Catholicism as cults, labeling the Bible as a cultist book for incineration and destruction, demolishing churches and crosses everywhere, and wantonly arresting, detaining and imprisoning Christians, causing countless Christians to be displaced and homeless. An untold number of people are restricted in religious beliefs and even deprived of the right to life. Family members of innumerable Christians were dismissed from public service, their children barred from studying in universities, getting employed and even leaving the country. China is virtually an infernal prison where religious freedom is non-existent, even the right to life is restricted. The Chinese Communist Party simply does not allow believers of God to live; it would rather have all of them killed. The CCP’s demented suppression and attacks against Eastern Lightning have created a stir world-wide. Many people have no insight as to why they are so frenziedly resisting and opposing God. It is precisely because the incarnate Almighty God has uttered many truths in The Word Appears in the Flesh and it is this book that has shaken every religious sect. Many who believe in the Lord have heard Almighty God’s utterances and affirmed them as the voice of God and as His work have turned toward Him. The constant increase of those who proclaim and bear witness for Almighty God has caused the CCP to panic. The CCP has arrested countless numbers of those who have borne witness to God in their evangelizing, and has confiscated many a copy of The Word Appears in the Flesh. They research this book day after day, and increasingly feel how very formidable it is. It has the capability to conquer all. No matter how the CCP tries to slander, to judge and discredit Almighty God, they dare not make The Word Appears in the Flesh known to the public. They make not the slightest mention of what Almighty God has uttered. Why are they staying so cool in response to The Word Appears in the Flesh? They fear the whole world will see that God has manifested Himself doing His work in the East, that the Savior of mankind has appeared in the East, and that there lies the hope of mankind. Why does the CCP fear mankind reading The Word Appears in the Flesh? Because this book is the voice of God, it is the utterance of the truth, and it is true light that has appeared in the East! The CCP is the regime of Satan who is the most evil of all and most hateful of the truth. It fears most of all that the truth will come into man’s world, that mankind will accept the truth, that God will take power as King to rule man’s world, and that the kingdom of Christ will appear on earth. Thus, the CCP so dementedly pursues and hounds Christ, and uses the media networks for propaganda to wantonly frame, falsely charge and discredit The Church of Almighty God. They do not even spare mobilizing the nation’s armed police force to overwhelmingly suppress, arrest and persecute God’s chosen ones. With nowhere to hide, His chosen ones have been forced into exile because of the CCP’s persecution, and the Chinese government under the CCP has stretched out its evil hand into every country abroad and utilizing political, economic and diplomatic means puts pressure on some of them to have those Christians who have escaped abroad extradited back to China in order to torture and persecute them. Even more detestable is that the CCP also arrests and persecutes the relatives of those Christians who have gone abroad and treats them as hostages with which to threaten The Church of Almighty God. It forces them to get their passports to go abroad and disrupt The Church of Almighty God in every country, and attempts through diplomatic channels to frame and slander The Church of Almighty God, to mislead by rumor, to manipulate public opinion and discredit it. The CCP incites both the governments and people of other countries to oppose and reject The Church of Almighty God, and to extradite the Church’s overseas members; its evil aim is to succeed in obstructing, restricting and suppressing the spread of The Church of Almighty God and its gospel work abroad. The CCP is the devil Satan who hates the truth and hates God. The CCP is expert in the cruel abuse of people and the devouring of souls; it is a demon that eats men without spitting out their bones.
from the movie script of Perilous Is the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Question 1: You have only believed in God for a little more than a decade. You are still a rookie. I have lived the better part of my life and studied religions for decades. I can tell you responsibly, there is no God in this world, and there has never been any Savior. The whole affair of believing in God is too vague. It is completely impractical. We are both knowledgeable people; we should look at matters according to the facts and science. We should believe in scientific theories such as materialism and Darwinism. Why do you have to believe in God? We communists only believe in atheism and the theory of evolution. You need to know that Darwin's theory of evolution is one of the most important scientific theories in the history of science for mankind. According to the theory of evolution, we can be sure that everything was created by the work of nature. Man is the accidental product of nature's biological evolution process. Man had evolved from the ape. This has a sufficient theoretical basis. This shows that man was not created by God. The words written in the Bible are myths and legends that cannot be taken seriously. I advise you to learn more about materialism and Darwinism. These are very practical theories that can resolve doubts. I believe that when you see it clearly, you will have a correct understanding of religious beliefs and come out from the illusory faith. Only by following the CCP will you have a future.

religious persecution, Countering the CCP’s Rumors and Fallacies,

Answer: The CCP is an atheistic party. It naturally believes in materialism and Darwinism. But what is the result? Materialism and Darwinism have been denied and rejected by most people. More and more people are accepting God and returning to God. More and more people believe that God’s word is the truth. 
Now the world has reached the end of the last days. God's work has come to the final step. God will show all His deeds, so that people in the last days will see that all things in heaven and on earth were created by God, and God rules over everything. Just as Almighty God says, “How many creatures are there living and reproducing in the vast expanse of the universe, following the law of life over and over, adhering to one constant rule. Those who die take with them the stories of the living, and those who are living repeat the same tragic history of those who have died. And so mankind can't help but ask itself: Why do we live? And why do we have to die? Who is in command of this world? And who created this mankind? Was mankind really created by Mother Nature? Is mankind really in control of its own fate? …For thousands of years mankind has asked these questions, over and over again. Unfortunately, the more that mankind has become obsessed with these questions, the more of a thirst he has developed for science. Science offers brief gratification and temporary enjoyment of the flesh, but is far from sufficient to free mankind of the solitariness, loneliness, and barely-concealed terror and helplessness deep within his soul. Mankind merely uses scientific knowledge that the naked eye can see and the brain can comprehend to anesthetize his heart, yet this cannot stop mankind from exploring mysteries. Mankind does not know who is the Sovereign of all things in the universe, much less does he know the beginning and future of mankind. Mankind merely lives, perforce, amidst this law. None can escape it and none can change it, for among all things and in the heavens there is but One from everlasting to everlasting who holds sovereignty over everything. He is the One who has never been beheld by man, the One whom mankind has never known, in whose existence mankind has never believed, yet He is the One who breathed the breath into mankind's ancestors and gave life to mankind. He is the One who supplies and nourishes mankind for its existence, and guides mankind up to the present day. Moreover, He and He alone is whom mankind depends on for its survival. He holds sovereignty over all things and rules all living beings beneath the universe. He commands the four seasons, and it is He who calls forth wind, frost, snow, and rain. He gives mankind sunshine and brings the coming of night. It was He who laid out the heavens and earth, providing man with mountains, lakes and rivers and all the living things within them. His deed is everywhere, His power is everywhere, His wisdom is everywhere, and His authority is everywhere. Each of these laws and rules are the embodiment of His deed, and every one of them reveals His wisdom and authority. Who can exempt themselves from His sovereignty? And who can discharge themselves from His designs? All things exist beneath His gaze, and moreover, all things live beneath His sovereignty. His deed and His power leave mankind with no choice but to acknowledge the fact that He really does exist and holds sovereignty over all things” (“Man Can Only Be Saved Amidst the Management of God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
Since the creation of the world, God has done three stages of work. God has expressed many truths in every stage of His work. The whole Bible is the record of God's work in the Age of Law and the Age of Grace. Then Almighty God came and has done judgment work in the last days, expressing all the truths for the cleansing and salvation of mankind, most of which are recorded in the book The Word Appears in the Flesh. Although we do not see the spiritual body of God, we can see all the words God expresses in every age when He appears to work. It fulfilled the words of the Bible: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (Jhn 1:1). Since the corruption of mankind by Satan, God has been speaking and working to save mankind. In the Age of Law God worked in Israel and promulgated the law and commandments to guide mankind's life on earth. In the Age of Grace, God became flesh as the Lord Jesus and did redemptive work in Judea. In the last days, Almighty God appears in the flesh and does His work in China. The word of God recorded in the Bible and the word of God expressed in The Word Appears in the Flesh in the last days are the fact that God speaks and works in the world to guide and save man. If it were not for God's Spirit, who could speak such powerful and authoritative words? Man cannot see the Spirit of God, but he can hear the word expressed by God’s Spirit. This is enough to prove that the Spirit of God has been speaking and working to guide and save mankind. Man can only believe in God according to God's word. When he prays to God with his heart, he can feel the work of the Holy Spirit and the existence of God. You have not believed in God, read the Bible and God’s word, or prayed to God, so you cannot feel the existence of God. In the last days, God became flesh as the Son of man to speak and work among people. All the words expressed by Almighty God are the truth with authority and power that no one can utter. This proves that it is the Spirit of God that speaks, and the Spirit of God that is realized in the flesh to appear and do His work. After reading The Word Appears in the Flesh expressed by Almighty God, I could clearly feel that these words originated from God. It was God speaking to mankind. So I accepted Almighty God. After experiencing God’s work for more than a decade, I have felt the authority and power of God's word, and experienced the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment. I saw the wonderful deeds of God. In my heart, God’s authority, power, omnipotence, and dominance are too real! It can be said that all those with a heart and spirit can see the fact of God’s true existence and God's dominance over everything from all the things God has created and from all the truths God has expressed. The Lord Jesus said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Mat 24:35). Almighty God says, “Heaven and earth may pass away but not one letter or one stroke of what I say will ever pass away” (“The Fifty-third Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) From the fact that every prophecy and every word of God are being fulfilled and achieved, it can be seen that only the word of God is the truth. Mankind as a whole must see the omnipotence and dominance of God.
from the movie script of The Conversation

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Question 3: I hear that many pastors and elders of the religious community say that who you believe in is a man and not Jesus Christ. Yet you witness that this man is the returned Lord Jesus, that is, Almighty God appearing at work. Do you know that the Communist Party has long condemned Christianity and Catholicism as cults? And you dare to witness that the Lord Jesus has returned, that is Almighty God; aren't you bucking the head wind? How can the Communist Party spare you? The Communist Party even dares to designate Christianity and Catholicism as cults, and the Bible as a cultist book. This is an open fact. Don't you know that? If the CCP dares to condemn and deny the world’s orthodox religions, why couldn’t it condemn Almighty God's appearance and work? When the CCP could designate the Bible as a cultist book, why would it spare The Word Appears in the Flesh? The public security agencies have confiscated many copies of this book. Many people are studying it. I just don't understand it. Why do you people have to believe in Almighty God? Why insist on witnessing that Almighty God is Christ of the last days? We understand everything about His family background. He is an ordinary person, just like Jesus that Christianity believes in. Jesus, the son of a carpenter, had parents and siblings. He was just an ordinary man. Yet the entire Christendom worships Jesus like God. Almighty God that you people believe in is also a man like Jesus. You insist on saying that He is God, this is quite inexplicable. You endured so much persecution and pain for believing in an ordinary man. Is it worth it? I hear that there are many people who gave up their families and careers to follow Almighty God. I doubt what you can ultimately get from believing in God like this? What is the basis for you to believe that He is God?

Countering the CCP’s Rumors and Fallacies,

Answer: The CCP is an atheist revolutionary party that doesn’t even recognize God in heaven. How could it recognize the incarnate God? So it is not surprising that the Communist Party feels so strange about our faith in the incarnate Christ. There are many people in religions who only recognize God in heaven, but not the incarnate Christ. So they are eliminated by the work of God.
 For thousands of years, God has carried out three stages of work to save mankind, God said a lot of words in every stage of His work. Mankind only came to accept God's work because of God's utterances. To the last days, the gospel of the Lord Jesus has spread to the ends of the earth. Increasingly more people believe in God, at least over two billion all together. Could you not have seen this fact? Churches are seen everywhere in democratic countries. The Christian, Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox churches all believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. You should know about this. The Lord Jesus Christ is the incarnate God. For two thousand years, countless people have followed and witnessed for the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus was an ordinary person in semblance. Why do they firmly believe that the Lord Jesus is the Savior, the appearance of God at work? If you want to know what is the appearance of God and what is Christ, you have to read the Bible to see how the Lord Jesus preached and did His work and how the Holy Spirit witnessed for the Lord Jesus. Then you will know why people believe in the Lord Jesus. Incarnation itself is a great mystery. Christ of the last days, Almighty God, who appears and does His work has expressed all the truths for the cleansing and salvation of man and unveiled all the mysteries in the Bible. If you don’t believe in God, don’t read Almighty God's word, how could you know the mysteries about God? Do you want to understand what incarnation is? If so, let us communicate about the word of Almighty God to see how Almighty God has spoken.
Almighty God says, “The meaning of incarnation is that God appears in the flesh, and He comes to work among man of His creation in the image of a flesh. So, for God to be incarnated, He must first be flesh, flesh with normal humanity; this, at the very least, must be true. In fact, the implication of God’s incarnation is that God lives and works in the flesh, God in His very essence becomes flesh, becomes a man” (“The Essence of the Flesh Inhabited by God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
God become flesh is called Christ, and so the Christ that can give people the truth is called God. There is nothing excessive about this, for He possesses the substance of God, and possesses God’s disposition, and wisdom in His work, that are unattainable by man. Those who call themselves Christ, yet cannot do the work of God, are frauds. Christ is not merely the manifestation of God on earth, but also the particular flesh assumed by God as He carries out and completes His work among man. This flesh is not one that can be replaced by just any man, but one that can adequately bear God’s work on earth, and express the disposition of God, and well represent God, and provide man with life.” (“Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
He who is God's incarnation shall hold the substance of God, and He who is God's incarnation shall hold the expression of God. Since God becomes flesh, He shall bring forth the work He must do, and since God becomes flesh, He shall express what He is, and shall be able to bring the truth to man, bestow life upon man, and show man the way” (Preface to The Word Appears in the Flesh).
In these passages, Almighty God so clearly revealed the mysteries of incarnation. When we hear the word of God, we immediately understand what incarnation is all about. The truth can only be expressed by the incarnate God for the cleansing and salvation of mankind. Isn’t it the appearance and work of God? Are the world’s famous and great people able to express the truth? Aside from the incarnate God, no one can express the truth. Therefore the One who can express all the truths for the cleansing and salvation of mankind is naturally Christ and the appearance of God. This is beyond any doubt. Our belief in Almighty God is exactly because Almighty God has expressed all the truths for the cleansing and salvation of mankind, and done the judgment work in the last days. So we believe that He is the practical God incarnate, that is the Lord Jesus who has returned in the flesh in the last days. This is the basis for our belief in Almighty God.
It is not surprising that some pastors and elders of the religious community resist and condemn Almighty God because most people only believe in the God in heaven. Only a few people can accept and know the incarnate God. Two thousand years ago, when the Lord Jesus appeared to work, didn't the chief priests, scribes and the Pharisees of Judaism resist and condemn the Lord Jesus? They even surrendered the Lord Jesus to the Roman government to be nailed on the cross. When God twice appeared in the flesh to work, He has expressed many truths and done work for the redemption and salvation of mankind. Although most people recognize the existence of God, they do not know about the incarnation of God. For this great mystery of incarnation, they have never been able to fathom. Therefore, each time God appeared to work in the flesh, many people were revealed and eliminated. In the last days, the incarnate Almighty God has judged and revealed people by expressing the truth. Upon hearing the many truths expressed by the incarnate God, those who love the truth heard the voice of God, recognized that it was the appearance and work of God, accepted and obeyed Christ. For those who do not love the truth, although they recognized the authority and power of God's word, they had notions, they even condemned and resisted because the incarnate God appeared to be an ordinary person. Such people were revealed and eliminated as they were those who detested the truth. The people that God works to save are those who love and accept the truth. The people that God reveals and eliminates are those who loathe and hate the truth. This shows the wisdom and omnipotence of God! God's disposition lies in the way of His work. The incarnation of God is indeed a great mystery that is not easy to penetrate! Many people have stumbled over this. This is how I accept and view it.
from the movie script of The Conversation

Friday, January 3, 2020

Question 5: Upon learning that we had accepted Almighty God, the pastor and elder have been ceaselessly bothering us, explaining the Bible to us nonstop. Though we refute them, and reject them, they do not let up. This is severe harassment of citizens. In the past, when we were weak or negative, they were never so diligent. Now, as soon as we accept Almighty God, however, they have become very angry, using both carrot and stick, endlessly annoying us. It seems that this evil of theirs won’t let up until they have dragged us into hell with them! I just don’t understand it. The pastor and elder, as persons who serve the Lord, and who often talk of the Bible, they should be able to see that all words expressed by Almighty God are truth. Why do they not seek truth? Why don’t they investigate the last-days work of Almighty God, instead of wildly condemning, resisting, and blaspheming Almighty God? The pastor and elder expend such effort to obstruct our acceptance of Almighty God. We really do need to understand. Please fellowship this a bit with us.

Revealing the Pharisees,

Answer: Can the pastor and elder not be worried about your acceptance of Almighty God? In the eyes of the pastor and elder, you are their sheep. You have been stolen away—this strikes the pastor and elder at a vital part. They therefore must do whatever it takes to entangle you, and seize you back. Recall the times during which the Lord Jesus appeared and worked. The chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees of the Jewish religion slandered, condemned, and blasphemed the Lord Jesus in an unbridled way; they even crucified the Lord Jesus. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Question 1: In the Bible, Paul says we should obey those in authority. If we put Paul’s words into practice, then we should always listen to the ruling regime. But the atheistic CCP is always persecuting religious people and acting as an enemy of God. Not only does the CCP forbid us from believing in the Lord, it also captures and persecutes those who spread God’s gospel. If we obey it and do not believe in the Lord or spread His gospel, then aren’t we siding with Satan in resistance and betrayal of the Lord? Won’t we then become those who are destined to perish? I really don’t understand this. When it comes to how we treat the ruling authority, what should we do to ensure we’re in accordance with God’s will?

Freedom of Religion, religious persecution,

Answer: In the Bible, Paul says we should obey the authorities. His words were as follows: “Let every soul be subject to the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation” (Rom 13:1-2). Because of Paul’s words, many people who believe in the Lord think that the ruling authority has been ordained by God. Thus, obeying the ruling regime is obeying God

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Question 2: That pastors and elders are all chosen and ordained by the Lord, and that they are all people who serve the Lord. Obeying pastors and elders is obeying the Lord. If we resist and condemn pastors and elders, then we are resisting the Lord. Besides, Only pastors and elders understand the Bible and can interpret the Bible. Only they can shepherd us. As long as what pastors and elders say conforms with the Bible and has a basis in the Bible, we should comply and obey. As long as what pastors and elders do conforms with the Bible, we should accept and follow. How could that be wrong?

 know religious pastors and elders,

Answer: In religion, some people think religious pastors and elders are all chosen and established by the Lord. Therefore, people should obey them. Does such a view have a basis in the Bible? Is it evidenced by the word of the Lord? Does it have the testimony of the Holy Spirit and the confirmation of the Holy Spirit’s work? If the answers are all no, then doesn’t the majority’s belief that pastors and elders are all chosen and established by the Lord arise from people’s notions and imaginations? Let’s think about it. In the Age of Law, Moses was chosen and established by God. Does this mean that all Jewish leaders during the Age of Law were chosen and set up by God?

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Question 7: If the Lord Jesus is God Himself, then why is it that when the Lord Jesus prays, He still prays to God the Father? There is certainly a mystery here to unfold. Please commune for us.

God's incarnation, The Church of Almighty God,

Answer: There is truly mystery to the Lord Jesus calling God of heaven Father in His prayers. When God is incarnated in the flesh, God’s Spirit is hidden within the flesh, the flesh itself is unaware of the Spirit’s presence. Just as we cannot feel our spirits within us. What’s more, God’s Spirit does not do anything supernatural within His flesh. So, even though the Lord Jesus was God become flesh, if God’s Spirit had not spoken and testified to God Himself, the Lord Jesus could not have known that He was God’s incarnation. So, in the Bible it is said, “neither the Son, but the Father” (Mak 13:32).

Full Gospel Movie "Faith in God 2 – After the Church Falls" | True Stories of Christians in China

Full Gospel Movie "Faith in God 2 – After the Church Falls" | True Stories of Christians in China Since the Chinese C...